Sunday, December 19, 2010

Catch Health Instead of a Cold

Whenever I hear a commercial blaring across the air waves about  the cold or flu season, I immediately denounce its effect on me by stating “I don’t need a cold or the flu” I am healthy and I am well.  However, another person who listens to the same commercial may  feel that they are susceptible to colds viruses and other illness. They  may feel compelled to run out and  stock pile medicines from the drug store or make sure to  have an ample supply of tissues for the onset of  illness.  

Having fear of catching a cold from the weather or from another person or family member lowers your resistance and makes you more susceptible to sickness. A compromised immune system due to improper body maintenance, stress and a toxic environment and negative thinking  adds to the  likelihood of cold and flu like symptoms. 

Don't let the cold weather get to you...
 I know that agreeing with what is said consciously and unconsciously affects our experience.  We  get to “choose” to either build up or tear down, by what we eat, drink, say or think.  So at any given moment are we eating, thinking or  drinking our way into a cold or other illness.   The over production of mucus in our system may be the result of being lactose intolerant. It may be stress related or because our immune system has been compromised.  Many times we may have heard a parent or someone in authority  tell us that you will catch your death of cold if you do not bundle up, cover your head or feet,. Don’t go outside right after taking a shower, or sit in a draft.  All of these pronouncements over time impact us in negative ways.  Thoughts become things which then lead to the manifestation of what we have been thinking.   

Our cells are  designed to regenerate, restore and balance when we take proper care of  our body temple.   A  steady diet of mucus forming foods and drinks or even fear thoughts causes our bodies to go into overload and the excess may leak into and out of our eyes, ears, nose, throat, and  affect our entire system. 

Fear based thoughts produce mucus. For example, think about  a child who asks for a cookie before dinner and is told no. There may be tears and a runny nose, but  the liquid from the nose is clear. Now the same child who is lost at the mall who thinks he or she has been abandoned now starts feeling panic, the tears become more acidic (hot tears) and the nose runs thick cloudy mucus because of the “fear factor“.  

 I once knew of a young boy who was approximately three or four years old who wanted to go to school like his older brother. He waited until his mom was busy doing laundry and slipped quietly out of the house and down the street in the cold and snow in just his pajamas, socks and slippers. He walked approximately four blocks to the school . When the principal called  and said  that she had the little boy in her office, his mother  panicked believing that the boy may have suffered frost bite or pneumonia. To the amazement of  his parents, and his pediatrician he never exhibited any signs or symptoms of a cold, flu or pneumonia. .Perhaps it was  because he did not know he that he was supposed to get sick.

The choice is ours to make, to be responsible and conscious of how we are treating ourselves and what we are believing about the strength or frailty of our bodies. Do we get a choice? The answer is yes - So for all of those who find themselves sneezing during this winter season - say “AAAAH Choose to be well “ 

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