Monday, December 27, 2010

Are You Living a Lifestyle or a Deathstyle?

“You can’t keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. You can’t think the same thoughts and expect to elevate your life. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. You have to separate yourself from the mentality of the masses, and when you do, you will experience all the success a lifetime will allow.”~ Greg Provenzano

I find joy and satisfaction when I have the opportunity to spend time, energy and effort teaching the difference between a life-style and death-style. Statistics have proven that America’s health  has declined tremendously compared to other countries.

Take a look at enormous amount of drug commercials promising relief for whatever ails you. Look how members of our family, community and now even our childrens lives have diminished. Where have all these new illness come from and what are we doing or not doing that contributes to this problem.

Just say no to drugs...
My focus is women first because they are the birth place of everyone on the planet. We are only as healthy as our mothers and when women are healthy then the world can truly heal.  We have become intoxicated with pollutants that are in our food, water, air and environment.

Balance is what is necessary to restore, revitalize, rejuvenate and transform the state of our health.   It is the quality of years that you live that will matter, not the quantity if your life is riddled with pain and dis-ease.  In every moment you are choosing to support life or death. It is said that “the truth shall set you free” and I say but first it may “tick you off”.

After you have come into the knowledge the choice is up to you. Take responsibility and care for yourself. You are your best investment, so choose wisely! Commit to excellence in body, mind and spirit. Here are some ways that you can enhance your health and well being. May you be blessed by your efforts!

OXYGEN -  You must breathe clean fresh air in order  to live.  You can go without water or food for a while but you cannot go without air but for a short time.  Deep breathing exercises invigorates the body, increases brain activity, revitalizes and cleanses the cells, burns excess fat, supports the respiratory system and calms the nerves.

WATER - Nothing lives without water.  You are mostly comprised of water it is essential to every function of the body.  Nothing replaces the benefits of clean water.  No other beverage cleanses, detoxifies or replenishes like water.  Invest in purified water for drinking and cooking.  Either you drink filtered water or you become the filter for the water.

FOOD -  Food gives nourishment to the body.  The cells must be supported by life-giving enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.  All food for the body is found in nature  produced by the plant kingdom. Eat from the garden to support life.  Raw foods surpass cooked foods.  Juice daily for optimum health and well being.  Feeding the cells properly reverses the aging process.

SUNLIGHT - Essential to life itself.  Vitamin D is key to the building  of strong bones and creating a sunny attitude.  The energy from the sun cannot be replaced by artificial lights in a closed environment.

EXERCISE - Move it or lose it .  Anything that remains stagnant causes toxic dis-eased conditions.   In nature there is constant movement and circulation.  The best exercise is walking and it is free!

CLEANSE/DETOXIFY - In order to reach optimum health and well being  cleansing  and detoxification is necessary for internal and external body maintenance.

MEDITATION/PRAYER -  The mind must rest in order to balance and receive the quiet and rest that it needs to do the work that it needs to do.  Thirty Minutes of meditation is equal to 2 - 3 hours of restful sleep. There is nothing more powerful than effective prayer, affirmation and declaration.

PLAY -   It is essential to laugh,. Love and live life.  Without play we lose a part of ourselves.  Add play everyday in some form.

EDUCATION -  The key to longevity is to keep learning and stay open to information that will support our goals  for optimum health and well being. Stimulating the brain with  new information and activities adds years to your life and life to your years.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - It is better to be self (ish) rather than self (less).  When you give to yourself you honor who you are.  When you honor yourself others will honor you.  You must learn to give from the saucer and not from the cup.  Leave some for yourself - you deserve the best life has to offer.  Invest in body maintenance by doing something special, new or different for yourself you will find happiness and joy within.  

Disclaimer: This information has not beeen approved by the FDA.  It is not intended as medical and advise, nor makes claim of treatment or cure.  See your health care professional for medical conditions. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Catch Health Instead of a Cold

Whenever I hear a commercial blaring across the air waves about  the cold or flu season, I immediately denounce its effect on me by stating “I don’t need a cold or the flu” I am healthy and I am well.  However, another person who listens to the same commercial may  feel that they are susceptible to colds viruses and other illness. They  may feel compelled to run out and  stock pile medicines from the drug store or make sure to  have an ample supply of tissues for the onset of  illness.  

Having fear of catching a cold from the weather or from another person or family member lowers your resistance and makes you more susceptible to sickness. A compromised immune system due to improper body maintenance, stress and a toxic environment and negative thinking  adds to the  likelihood of cold and flu like symptoms. 

Don't let the cold weather get to you...
 I know that agreeing with what is said consciously and unconsciously affects our experience.  We  get to “choose” to either build up or tear down, by what we eat, drink, say or think.  So at any given moment are we eating, thinking or  drinking our way into a cold or other illness.   The over production of mucus in our system may be the result of being lactose intolerant. It may be stress related or because our immune system has been compromised.  Many times we may have heard a parent or someone in authority  tell us that you will catch your death of cold if you do not bundle up, cover your head or feet,. Don’t go outside right after taking a shower, or sit in a draft.  All of these pronouncements over time impact us in negative ways.  Thoughts become things which then lead to the manifestation of what we have been thinking.   

Our cells are  designed to regenerate, restore and balance when we take proper care of  our body temple.   A  steady diet of mucus forming foods and drinks or even fear thoughts causes our bodies to go into overload and the excess may leak into and out of our eyes, ears, nose, throat, and  affect our entire system. 

Fear based thoughts produce mucus. For example, think about  a child who asks for a cookie before dinner and is told no. There may be tears and a runny nose, but  the liquid from the nose is clear. Now the same child who is lost at the mall who thinks he or she has been abandoned now starts feeling panic, the tears become more acidic (hot tears) and the nose runs thick cloudy mucus because of the “fear factor“.  

 I once knew of a young boy who was approximately three or four years old who wanted to go to school like his older brother. He waited until his mom was busy doing laundry and slipped quietly out of the house and down the street in the cold and snow in just his pajamas, socks and slippers. He walked approximately four blocks to the school . When the principal called  and said  that she had the little boy in her office, his mother  panicked believing that the boy may have suffered frost bite or pneumonia. To the amazement of  his parents, and his pediatrician he never exhibited any signs or symptoms of a cold, flu or pneumonia. .Perhaps it was  because he did not know he that he was supposed to get sick.

The choice is ours to make, to be responsible and conscious of how we are treating ourselves and what we are believing about the strength or frailty of our bodies. Do we get a choice? The answer is yes - So for all of those who find themselves sneezing during this winter season - say “AAAAH Choose to be well “