Monday, May 9, 2011

Menu of (W)holistic Services

Here at the Natural Healing Institute, many of our new clients or students complain of being overwhelmed by stress, illness, weight issues, lack of energy, tension and an overall feeling of not being well. We suggest that they try a variety of tune-ups and seasonal programs of body maintenance treatments. It is important that we treat the vehicle that supports our every move as well as we treat our cars or other possessions. To assist your body's desire for optimum health and well-being, here is a list of “to-do’s or to try’s from our life-style menu.

Massage- Welcome to the Wizard of Aaaaah's
A great remedy for feelings of well-being, relaxation, restoration and relief of stress and tension. Improves circulation, respiration, flexibility, body balance and weight distribution while breaking down toxins and cellulite. Receiving a massage has been found to have the same benefits of running jogging or swimming for an hour. This ancient healing modality is best known as passive exercise, because your muscles are stretched and moved for you. Some of the benefits also discovered by healing touch is that it improves survival rates for babies and the elderly.

Ear coning/Candling - Can You Hear Me Now?
Helps to remove imbedded wax, fungus, parasites, yeast and sinus congestion. Ear coning may alleviate headaches, itching, various degrees of deafness, hyperactivity, swollen lymph nodes, and allergies. Great for swimmers, ringing in the ears, dairy allergies, pressure from airplane flights, and excessive cell phone use. Clients reported improved hearing and relief of excessive mucus in the sinus cavities.

Dr. Khephera with one of her students
Meditation & Relaxation - Day Dreaming with Purpose!
Learn how to relax, release and let go of negative self talk, stress, tension, unwanted habits, energy blockages and sabotaging behavior through positive visualization techniques.

Nutritional Counseling - Are you Eating or Feeding?
Find out how your biography impacts your biology. Learning how to fuel your body to obtain optimum health for your particular lifestyle. Kinesiology is used to tap into your body's acceptance or rejection of certain foods or non-food items.

Ionic Foot Detoxification & Reflexology - A "Soleful" Experience
There are pathways or meridians at the bottom of the feet that directly correspond to and affect the internal organs. Our bodies are not solid, but porous so that toxins move in and out all of the time. The more toxins we maintain, the faster we age and the faster our bodies break down. The immediate benefits are an increase in energy and overall well being, a healthier disposition, a better state of mind, weight loss via an increased metabolism. Many report an improved digestion which will help in restoring balance to the body and its organs by lessening the body's symptoms of discomfort. The aging process is slowed down and the cells are able to rejuvenate themselves optimally, the way nature intended.

These lifestyle programs listed in this article are not intended to be a substitute for or to be used as medical advice. Its intended use is not for the treatment or cure of any medical conditions or disease. The information is not intended to diagnose illness, disease or any other physical disorder. Any of these procedures are not a substitute for medical examinations and or diagnosis and it is recommended that a person see a physician for any physical ailment. Neither the author nor the Natural Healing Institute assume responsibility for your improper use of the information presented.

For more information visit our website:

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Releasing Internal Clutter: Mental Physical and Spiritual Rejuvenation

As we move into the season of spring, we are prompted to clean up, restore, repair and renew our homes and living spaces.  We welcome and embrace the new and become willing to release the worn out and mundane. Our instincts to follow the cycle of nature brings about the opportunity to be re-born with fresh ideas and obtainable goals. Overtime we have consciously and unconsciously stored memories and experiences that may be impeding us from realizing our deepest and fondest desires. Often times we are slow to remove the external clutter because we know intuitively that there is a deeper message in what we see outside of ourselves. Our external environment is a reflection of our internal storehouse. We know that keeping our homes and living spaces clean and orderly is a must for optimum health and a peaceful environment. Internally we must take the same initiative for balance and clarity. Optimal health mentally, physically and spiritually is to be found within.  

Consuming the highest quality of foods and beverages help to feed and nurture the body, but can only be effective if the mind is fed loving positive thoughts. If the mind is full of worry, fear doubt and inharmonious thoughts, the food may become transmuted from life giving to life depleting. We have heard the phrase “you are what you eat” I say that we are also what we don’t eliminate. Our mental diet consists of the positive or negative reports that we entertain, our own internal dialogue and the conversations that we have with each other. Our body is a reflection of what we are thinking, feeling and speaking.  We are responsible for looking at where we are in life and “spring” into action during this season. Our results are diminished if we are unwilling to do the work. Remember our feelings of well-being  come from within and we must be willing to let go of toxic mental, physical and emotional food.  When we are able to elevate to a higher ideal of ourselves those around us will be blessed by our efforts. 

Commit to a renewed way of thinking and declare:
I am willing to transform all inharmonious thoughts. I no longer allow negative impressions to take residence within my mind, body or spirit. I now take control of my mental , physical and spiritual food. I fully and freely release all thoughts of doubt, fear, worry, resentment and negative clutter. I embrace and acknowledge the ever present power working in and through me today and always. I am sustained and maintained in all areas of my life.  I know that every moment I get to choose a happy, joyous, healthy and prosperous life.  

Copyright@ All rights reserved 2011 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Designer Clothes and Bootleg Food

If you can remember picking fruit from trees in the backyard, home cooked meals from scratch and pies cooling in the kitchen window then you can remember how good real food tasted.  Drinking water with your head under the faucet and from the water hose outside until it wet up the front of your shirt never worrying that it might make your sick. There were only five or six aisles at the A&P market and we got everything we needed. Now there are 20 plus aisles of bags, boxes, bottles and containers of instant, pre-packaged ready to eat “junk“ food and chemical cuisine. The general public regularly eats genetically altered, polished and waxed, rolled up fruit, neon colored cereals and glow in the dark drinks that line the shelves at the 24 hour super mega chains.

My first glimpse of the future eating patterns happened the first time I saw an easy bake oven. I thought to myself, how can you just add water to powder and cook a cake under a light bulb? I think that is when it all started. The onslaught of TV dinners in aluminum pans, boxed cake mixes and biscuits in exploding cans. People have become quite comfortable with micro-waved food ,drive-thru meals for themselves and their families.

The health in this country is declining and obesity is a result of consuming not only high fat, high calorie foods but stuffing non-food items down our throats in record time. There is no way that our bodies can continue to be used as toxic waste dumps without having adverse reactions impacting our health. The reason for eating is nourishment rather than a cheap form of entertainment and pacification.

you are what you eat...

Every purchase that we make has a manufacturer’s instructions, do‘s and don’t. Our body has its instructions also and that which our bodies cannot assimilate and recognize as food it cannot successfully eliminate. Instead our internal environment has become stockpiled with waste, poisons, insecticides, pesticides, chemicals, drugs, parasites and then finally diagnosed with an ever expanding list of “dis-eases.“

How can we continue to ignore that there is real lemon in furniture polish but artificial lemon flavor in drinks for human ingestion? How did we start caring more about how we look on the outside than how we feel? How can be buy expensive clothing, houses and cars on one hand and argue over the expense of organic or fresh fruit and vegetables. Junk food is synonymous with bootleg food and has diminished value nutritionally. Do you comply with the owners manual for your car? If it requires unleaded fuel then it is not a question of whether diesel or potato chips goes in the gas tank.

One of my students was elated about the information that was shared in a lecture about e-coli being bacteria produced by fecal matter. She attempted to share the information with her brother and was surprised at his response. He said that he did not care because the news reports said to just cook the meat at a high enough temperature. I told her to ask him if he would purchase designer gym shoes with fecal stains on them and just wash it off? We both knew the answer to that question!

Our bodies have an internal wisdom placed there by the “Manufacturer” and its design seeks the sustenance of food and drink primarily found in nature.The intention of this article is not to promote banning non-food or junk food  items, but to shed light on the benefit of incorporating health enhancing eating habits.  In all things seek balance, respect care and maintenance for the vehicle where our soul resides. When we make the effort to give our bodies more of the fuel it can use, we will notice a great difference and see the results of our investment.

Yours in Good Health! 

@2011 All rights reserved

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Change of Life

My first “change of life” experience was the fall of 1994 sitting in the car  with my husband. The rush of heat startled me because I had never experienced that kind of sensation before. I felt a sense of  panic and my first thought  I must be dying. There was no warning like the gradual increase of temperature on a thermostat, I felt intense heat  over my body all at once.  I was totally consumed by the unfamiliar sensation and overwhelmed at the same time by the powerlessness of it.  Sweat started pouring from the top of my head and in a few moments I was wringing wet.  I looked around to see if the car was suddenly on fire, but no because my husband sat there cool as a cucumber.   I told him that I felt like Wile E. Coyote after igniting a bomb he ordered from Acme. The mere sound of his laughter , immediately sent me into rage mode.  I told him that it was in no way funny and if he continued laughing he may very well be putting his life in jeopardy!

After what seemed like an eternity, I was finally able to ask myself what could this possibly be?  The first thing I thought was maybe I had some dreaded ebola virus or could it possibly be the onset of the never talked about  menopausal “hot flash“. In either case I felt betrayed, I was far too young for this, wasn‘t this suppose to be a gradual thing or a sign posted somewhere?    A few moments later the second round of volcanic heat struck  gradually at first until I registered  lava level.  I prayed in a loud voice “if this is what I have to live with - take me now Lord”.  I had always been the type to be in control  of most situations, but I knew from the onset that this was a battle I could not win.  Little did I know the battle had just begun. At bedtime I experienced night sweats that had me tossing and turning, pulling sheets on and then kicking them  off,.  I changed sheets, laid down towels, tossed and turned some more, screamed cried and prayed for relief.  In the morning I looked in the mirror at an unrecognizable face who looked as though they had been on a two week binge. I believe in the power of prayer and silently asked for relief, a treatment cure, or euthanasia.

For over 16 years I had been a student,  advocate and teacher of natural healing. I personally adopted a lifestyle of  being a vegetarian and then vegan.  I also knew the  body has the innate ability to heal itself with the proper fuel.  Within a few days  the phone rang and on the other end of the line was a wonderful woman who said she had some  liquid minerals she wanted me to try.  Along with the package she sent information about chemicals in cosmetics and their side effects, including a  cassette tape by Dr. Joel Wallach. Dr, Wallach says that every disease is related to a mineral deficiency.

The first step was reducing and eliminating the contaminants contributing to my inner environment.  I made sure that everything I put on my body and in my body was free from the list of dyes, solvents, petroleums, urea, propolyne glycol, sodium laurel sulphate, coal tars and other poly-syllabic words.  I decided that if I could not eat it , I would not wear it. Even  though our skin looks solid it is porous and absorbs like a sponge.  Anything put on the skin  is not filtered by the liver and is delivered right into the blood stream.  Today I teach women how to make their cosmetics in the kitchen.

After three days of  taking the minerals, colon detoxification, and saturating my body with purified water my symptoms subsided and then completely left, I recommended the program and  minerals to my clients who expressed the same results.  Two years later  free from symptoms, I watched  a news report claiming that anyone who takes minerals may as well be drinking water and would just end up with   expensive urine.  For years I have  used my body as a testing ground and  laboratory. I stopped taking the minerals just to see if the they were indeed  some sort of placebo effect.  After exactly two and a half months later the flashes, sweating, irritability and  Tasmanian devil with lipstick reappeared.  I started the minerals again and  after three days symptoms disappeared.
These are the guidelines that I followed:
  1. Listen to your body and pay attention. Monitor how you  feel after drinking and eating.
  2. Eliminate loading cosmetics, perfumes, sprays and chemicals directly on your body.
  3. Cleanse and detoxify seasonally with the help of a trained professional.
  4. Research has shown negative emotion and “stinkin-thinkin” impacts the body’s ph levels.
  5. Reduce or eliminate white refined sugar and bleached flour products.
  6. Check your dairy intake, especially if you are lactose intolerant.
  7. Exercise, and sweat! Your skin is the largest eliminative organ.
  8. Thoughts become things - you get what you expect. Aging can be the best time of your life!
  9. Meditate and relax daily. Stress may cause your body to be in a state of “dis-ease”.
  10. You are what you eat, you are what they ate. Enough said!
  11. Choose organic over conventional.  Many fruits an vegetables have pesticides, insecticides, and waxes    on them.
  12. .Read books, watch DVDs  and materials that support a healthy lifestyle, 
  13.  Live, Laugh, Love - Your immune system will love you for it!
Disclaimer :
The information contained in this article is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever.  This information should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional.

The content of this writing is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible health care program prescribed by a health care practitioner.  The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Victory of Da Feet: Foot Reflexology

Toxins accumulate in our bodies during day to day activities. These toxins can block the body’s natural functions, including disease prevention and the distribution of nutrients. A time tested therapy called the ionic foot detoxification system can help remove these toxins from the body and allow the amazing immune system to perform at its highest potential.

When energy is flowing properly substances required to sustain life such as oxygen, water and nutrients can more easily reach cells where they are needed.  Our feet are important to our health and well being because they support us both internally and externally. As soon as we were able to stand up and take as few steps, we were off and running or walking  to our varied destinations.

Have you ever noticed that when the feet hurt after miles of use and abuse, our entire body feels the impact?  Every organ in the body has meridians or pathways to the feet. For centuries eastern medicine has used reflexology (pressure point therapy)  to treat many disorders within the body.  If you have ever had the opportunity of getting a foot massage, a soothing pedicure or slip on  a comfortable pair of slippers, you have experienced relief and an “aaah” moment.

check out my video below of an appearance I did on a local cable show in Michigan...

The foot detoxification system works by simply immersing your feet in the foot tub for about 30 minutes  while the machine helps invigorate, re-condition and synchronize the body’s natural   flow.  Its primary functions is to activate the cells and improve the metabolism of all the organs. During the treatment you will  experience feelings of  peace and relaxation as the body detoxifies safely at its own pace by eliminating excess waste. You will be astounded and curious as the water changes from clear to lightly colored and then to darker shades. The color change can vary from person to person and from treatment to treatment.
Some of the benefits are:

  • Healthy weight loss by increasing your metabolism and fat burning mechanisms.
  • More energy and clearer thinking by boosting your well being and having a lighter feeling.
  • Restore and gain health, by creating a stronger immune system, fewer aches and pains.
  • Unburden your body of  herbicides, pesticides, colorings, additives preservatives and chemicals.
  • Slow the aging process by increasing cell regeneration,  digestive effectiveness, then rejuvenation can occur with less toxins.
Receive relief of discomfort from allergies, flu like symptoms, and fatigue. Give your feet some love - it is a “sole-full” experience!

Disclaimer :
The information contained in this article is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever.  This information should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional.

The content of this writing is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible health care program prescribed by a health care practitioner.  The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now? The Herbal Ear Coning Process

Ear coning has been used by ancient cultures for thousands of years, and is now recently expanding into our western culture.  Acupuncture charts demonstrate how the ears coordinate with the organs in the body.

The cone works by setting the large end on fire, and then placing the small end of the cone to the mouth of the ear canal, which creates a seal.  Vapors of smoke with herbs travel into the ear, warming up the pores in the canal, softening the wax.  The fire creates a vacuum, which pulls infection, debris and ear wax into the cone reducing problems of the body in a natural way.  People claim to hear sounds similar to frying or rice krispies in milk. 

Me preforming ear candling on a client
Ear coning is a very relaxing process, which allows the body, mind and soul to feel nurtured and relaxed.  Some conditions within the ears are candida, and parasites, which stem from the liver and kidneys, creating infestations.  Ear coning may alleviate this kind of stress from the ears such as headaches, itching, deafness and hyperactivity, swollen lymph nodes, allergies.

The ear has the function of translating vibrations.  If there are accumulations of wax, fungus, parasites or infection inside the ear the interpretation of sound vibrations may be altered.  Imagine using the palm of your hand to pat a full bowl full of flour, the sound is muffled.  This is what happens when your ear canal is congested.  The ear, nose and throat are connected which may cause complicated infections.

Traditional ear swabbing and plunging only cleans the outer ear and pushes the compacted wax further into the orifice of the ear.  Persons with hearing aides may need more frequent cleaning as well as telephone operators, swimmers, transcribers and heavy dairy consumers.  Ear coning after plane flights may also bring relief to the pressures created by air travel. 
In comparison to other ear cones, our herbal ear cone has a slower burning process and the volume of earwax and debris accumulated in one cone has the extraction rate equivalent to as many as four to nine of the competitors cones and may draw as much as 50% to 80% more debris and ear wax. You can use one ear candle for two ears!

Close up of the ear candle I used
The herbal ear cones are carefully hand made with all natural products, such as bee’s wax cotton, hemp fabric and a variety of herbal extracts withessential oils for aroma-therapeutic purposes. 

The doctors diagnosed me as deaf in my left ear for approximately two years.  After the first treatment I noticed that I had regained partial hearing.  Several sessions later I noticed a marked improvement.  I now have gained full hearing in my left ear.  I decided to remove dairy products from my diet and I haven’t had to have treatments as often ~ Ms. T. Brenner Southfield, MI

We are using ear candles instead of having surgical tubes put back in my daughter’s ears.  They do the job!       G. Sullivan ~ Oak Park, MI

I can always tell when it is time for my husband to get his ears cleaned; he starts shouting!  My own balance is better and my thinking is much clearer ~ S. Parker Windsor, Ontario Canada

My eighteen- month old baby stayed full of cold and infection.  She tugged on her ears constantly and cried most of the night.  We took her into emergency and the doctors ordered a full spectrum of antibiotics.  Nothing seemed to help and we found that we had to literally sleep in shifts.  I was introduced to ear candling (coning) by a good friend.
After the first treatment, our daughter slept all night.  We took her for a few more treatments before her next regular pediatrician appointment and the doctor’s said that there wasn’t any sign of that there had ever been an infection.  It has been six months since the last ordeal; I wish I had known about ear candles before we spent a fortune in medication, doctor bills, office visits and antibiotics that didn’t work! ~ 
M.R. Greene Atlanta, GA.   


The cleaning process should take at least one to two sets of cones per session, one to two times a week for a month, then once a month for maintenance purposes.  Within 24 hours after coning, wear earplugs, or place cotton into the ear canal when taking a shower (KEEP EARS DRY!)  Depending on the sensitivity of the ears, you may put cotton into the ears to protect them from the wind or cold temperatures. Ear candles may be used on all ages, but never without supervision.  Always consult your physician or licensed health practitioner before altering any current treatments.

Disclaimer :
The information contained in this article is intended to be educational and not for diagnosis, prescription, or treatment of any health disorder whatsoever.  This information should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional.

The content of this writing is intended to be used as an adjunct to a rational and responsible health care program prescribed by a health care practitioner.  The author and publisher are in no way liable for any misuse of the material. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

Are You Living a Lifestyle or a Deathstyle?

“You can’t keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. You can’t think the same thoughts and expect to elevate your life. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. You have to separate yourself from the mentality of the masses, and when you do, you will experience all the success a lifetime will allow.”~ Greg Provenzano

I find joy and satisfaction when I have the opportunity to spend time, energy and effort teaching the difference between a life-style and death-style. Statistics have proven that America’s health  has declined tremendously compared to other countries.

Take a look at enormous amount of drug commercials promising relief for whatever ails you. Look how members of our family, community and now even our childrens lives have diminished. Where have all these new illness come from and what are we doing or not doing that contributes to this problem.

Just say no to drugs...
My focus is women first because they are the birth place of everyone on the planet. We are only as healthy as our mothers and when women are healthy then the world can truly heal.  We have become intoxicated with pollutants that are in our food, water, air and environment.

Balance is what is necessary to restore, revitalize, rejuvenate and transform the state of our health.   It is the quality of years that you live that will matter, not the quantity if your life is riddled with pain and dis-ease.  In every moment you are choosing to support life or death. It is said that “the truth shall set you free” and I say but first it may “tick you off”.

After you have come into the knowledge the choice is up to you. Take responsibility and care for yourself. You are your best investment, so choose wisely! Commit to excellence in body, mind and spirit. Here are some ways that you can enhance your health and well being. May you be blessed by your efforts!

OXYGEN -  You must breathe clean fresh air in order  to live.  You can go without water or food for a while but you cannot go without air but for a short time.  Deep breathing exercises invigorates the body, increases brain activity, revitalizes and cleanses the cells, burns excess fat, supports the respiratory system and calms the nerves.

WATER - Nothing lives without water.  You are mostly comprised of water it is essential to every function of the body.  Nothing replaces the benefits of clean water.  No other beverage cleanses, detoxifies or replenishes like water.  Invest in purified water for drinking and cooking.  Either you drink filtered water or you become the filter for the water.

FOOD -  Food gives nourishment to the body.  The cells must be supported by life-giving enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.  All food for the body is found in nature  produced by the plant kingdom. Eat from the garden to support life.  Raw foods surpass cooked foods.  Juice daily for optimum health and well being.  Feeding the cells properly reverses the aging process.

SUNLIGHT - Essential to life itself.  Vitamin D is key to the building  of strong bones and creating a sunny attitude.  The energy from the sun cannot be replaced by artificial lights in a closed environment.

EXERCISE - Move it or lose it .  Anything that remains stagnant causes toxic dis-eased conditions.   In nature there is constant movement and circulation.  The best exercise is walking and it is free!

CLEANSE/DETOXIFY - In order to reach optimum health and well being  cleansing  and detoxification is necessary for internal and external body maintenance.

MEDITATION/PRAYER -  The mind must rest in order to balance and receive the quiet and rest that it needs to do the work that it needs to do.  Thirty Minutes of meditation is equal to 2 - 3 hours of restful sleep. There is nothing more powerful than effective prayer, affirmation and declaration.

PLAY -   It is essential to laugh,. Love and live life.  Without play we lose a part of ourselves.  Add play everyday in some form.

EDUCATION -  The key to longevity is to keep learning and stay open to information that will support our goals  for optimum health and well being. Stimulating the brain with  new information and activities adds years to your life and life to your years.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - It is better to be self (ish) rather than self (less).  When you give to yourself you honor who you are.  When you honor yourself others will honor you.  You must learn to give from the saucer and not from the cup.  Leave some for yourself - you deserve the best life has to offer.  Invest in body maintenance by doing something special, new or different for yourself you will find happiness and joy within.  

Disclaimer: This information has not beeen approved by the FDA.  It is not intended as medical and advise, nor makes claim of treatment or cure.  See your health care professional for medical conditions.