Monday, May 9, 2011

Menu of (W)holistic Services

Here at the Natural Healing Institute, many of our new clients or students complain of being overwhelmed by stress, illness, weight issues, lack of energy, tension and an overall feeling of not being well. We suggest that they try a variety of tune-ups and seasonal programs of body maintenance treatments. It is important that we treat the vehicle that supports our every move as well as we treat our cars or other possessions. To assist your body's desire for optimum health and well-being, here is a list of “to-do’s or to try’s from our life-style menu.

Massage- Welcome to the Wizard of Aaaaah's
A great remedy for feelings of well-being, relaxation, restoration and relief of stress and tension. Improves circulation, respiration, flexibility, body balance and weight distribution while breaking down toxins and cellulite. Receiving a massage has been found to have the same benefits of running jogging or swimming for an hour. This ancient healing modality is best known as passive exercise, because your muscles are stretched and moved for you. Some of the benefits also discovered by healing touch is that it improves survival rates for babies and the elderly.

Ear coning/Candling - Can You Hear Me Now?
Helps to remove imbedded wax, fungus, parasites, yeast and sinus congestion. Ear coning may alleviate headaches, itching, various degrees of deafness, hyperactivity, swollen lymph nodes, and allergies. Great for swimmers, ringing in the ears, dairy allergies, pressure from airplane flights, and excessive cell phone use. Clients reported improved hearing and relief of excessive mucus in the sinus cavities.

Dr. Khephera with one of her students
Meditation & Relaxation - Day Dreaming with Purpose!
Learn how to relax, release and let go of negative self talk, stress, tension, unwanted habits, energy blockages and sabotaging behavior through positive visualization techniques.

Nutritional Counseling - Are you Eating or Feeding?
Find out how your biography impacts your biology. Learning how to fuel your body to obtain optimum health for your particular lifestyle. Kinesiology is used to tap into your body's acceptance or rejection of certain foods or non-food items.

Ionic Foot Detoxification & Reflexology - A "Soleful" Experience
There are pathways or meridians at the bottom of the feet that directly correspond to and affect the internal organs. Our bodies are not solid, but porous so that toxins move in and out all of the time. The more toxins we maintain, the faster we age and the faster our bodies break down. The immediate benefits are an increase in energy and overall well being, a healthier disposition, a better state of mind, weight loss via an increased metabolism. Many report an improved digestion which will help in restoring balance to the body and its organs by lessening the body's symptoms of discomfort. The aging process is slowed down and the cells are able to rejuvenate themselves optimally, the way nature intended.

These lifestyle programs listed in this article are not intended to be a substitute for or to be used as medical advice. Its intended use is not for the treatment or cure of any medical conditions or disease. The information is not intended to diagnose illness, disease or any other physical disorder. Any of these procedures are not a substitute for medical examinations and or diagnosis and it is recommended that a person see a physician for any physical ailment. Neither the author nor the Natural Healing Institute assume responsibility for your improper use of the information presented.

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