Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Designer Clothes and Bootleg Food

If you can remember picking fruit from trees in the backyard, home cooked meals from scratch and pies cooling in the kitchen window then you can remember how good real food tasted.  Drinking water with your head under the faucet and from the water hose outside until it wet up the front of your shirt never worrying that it might make your sick. There were only five or six aisles at the A&P market and we got everything we needed. Now there are 20 plus aisles of bags, boxes, bottles and containers of instant, pre-packaged ready to eat “junk“ food and chemical cuisine. The general public regularly eats genetically altered, polished and waxed, rolled up fruit, neon colored cereals and glow in the dark drinks that line the shelves at the 24 hour super mega chains.

My first glimpse of the future eating patterns happened the first time I saw an easy bake oven. I thought to myself, how can you just add water to powder and cook a cake under a light bulb? I think that is when it all started. The onslaught of TV dinners in aluminum pans, boxed cake mixes and biscuits in exploding cans. People have become quite comfortable with micro-waved food ,drive-thru meals for themselves and their families.

The health in this country is declining and obesity is a result of consuming not only high fat, high calorie foods but stuffing non-food items down our throats in record time. There is no way that our bodies can continue to be used as toxic waste dumps without having adverse reactions impacting our health. The reason for eating is nourishment rather than a cheap form of entertainment and pacification.

you are what you eat...

Every purchase that we make has a manufacturer’s instructions, do‘s and don’t. Our body has its instructions also and that which our bodies cannot assimilate and recognize as food it cannot successfully eliminate. Instead our internal environment has become stockpiled with waste, poisons, insecticides, pesticides, chemicals, drugs, parasites and then finally diagnosed with an ever expanding list of “dis-eases.“

How can we continue to ignore that there is real lemon in furniture polish but artificial lemon flavor in drinks for human ingestion? How did we start caring more about how we look on the outside than how we feel? How can be buy expensive clothing, houses and cars on one hand and argue over the expense of organic or fresh fruit and vegetables. Junk food is synonymous with bootleg food and has diminished value nutritionally. Do you comply with the owners manual for your car? If it requires unleaded fuel then it is not a question of whether diesel or potato chips goes in the gas tank.

One of my students was elated about the information that was shared in a lecture about e-coli being bacteria produced by fecal matter. She attempted to share the information with her brother and was surprised at his response. He said that he did not care because the news reports said to just cook the meat at a high enough temperature. I told her to ask him if he would purchase designer gym shoes with fecal stains on them and just wash it off? We both knew the answer to that question!

Our bodies have an internal wisdom placed there by the “Manufacturer” and its design seeks the sustenance of food and drink primarily found in nature.The intention of this article is not to promote banning non-food or junk food  items, but to shed light on the benefit of incorporating health enhancing eating habits.  In all things seek balance, respect care and maintenance for the vehicle where our soul resides. When we make the effort to give our bodies more of the fuel it can use, we will notice a great difference and see the results of our investment.

Yours in Good Health! 

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